Would You Play These Double Sixes Correctly?


Later in the Los Angeles Open finals match between Steve Sax and Ernest Ho, Steve Sax rolled double sixes from this position, while leading 2a/4a, with the cube centered.  How would you play these sixes?  Let us know your play in the comments!

Video Below (starts @1:24:13)

ANSWER:  25/15(2) 13/1

Which Checkers Would You Hit with this 52?


While playing Steve Sax in the finals of the Los Angeles Open, Ernest Ho rolled this 52, while trailing in the match 11a/9a.  Steve is holding the cube on two.  How would you play this 52 as Ernest?  Let us know what you think in the comments!

Video Below (starts @12:25)

ANSWER:  20/18 6/1


Tricky Double 3s from Los Angeles Open!


While playing Larry Shiller in the fourth round of the Los Angeles Open, Justin Bor rolled these double threes while trailing in the match 4a/5a.  Larry is holding the cube on 2.  How would you play these double threes as Justin?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Video Below (starts @53:05)

Would You Redouble this Position?


While playing Justin Bor in round 4 of the Los Angeles Open, Larry Shiller was holding the cube on two in this position while leading in the match 10a/11a.  If you were Larry, would you redouble this?  If redoubled, should Justin take or pass?  Share your thoughts in the comments!

Video Below (starts @18:20)

Would You Double Against this 2-4 Back Game?


In this position, Jonah Seewald is on roll while playing Roberto Litzenberger in the Los Angeles Open.  Jonah is defending against Roberto’s backgame, while leading in the match 5a/6a.  If you were Jonah, would you double this?  If doubled, should Roberto take?  Let us know what you think in the comments!

Video Below (starts @41:35)

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